Σάββατο 6 Οκτωβρίου 2018

Elegance 101 (animal skin and fur)

Besides calfskin and kidskin, all other animal skins which are called "exotic skins" are meant for morning wear, regardless their price and the type of attire item they became. They are unsuitable for the evening, even in the tiniest details such as a watch band.
The alligator bag, the snake skin pumps, the ostrich belt, the pigskin jacket are all intended for a walk in the city, better yet, for a weekend in the country, where the natural environment of those animals is. 
We should buy items with exotic skins with as less hardware as possible. Golden clasps, metal chains and generally decorative details are too much for those skins. Their texture is enough to keep the eye interested. We also try to buy them in their original color, which has an unparallel variety.
Today we know a lot about the production of fur, so, we all of us know that we must stay away from the real fur products -including the ones we inherited. Fake furs is an alternative, but even so, we buy garments with a short pile, in solid dark colors and straight or loose cutting patterns. This means no polar bear coat, no monkey fur jacket, nothing in fuchsia or yellow. 
Each one of us is a woman of the world who is going to work or for shopping, not an actress in "Tarzan, the king of the jungle" parody. 

(illustration Rebecca Moses)

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