Πέμπτη 20 Σεπτεμβρίου 2018

Elegance 101 (one focal point per outfit)

The general idea behind elegance  is that our appearence must be carefully planned as to allow the viewer to take a short look on our outfit, smile slightly and then search with his eyes for our face. That’s it. If we can do that, then we have already an elegant appearance.
So, let’s talk about…
Rule no.1: in each outfit there can be only one focal point. This point shouldn’t be our make-up or our nails.
Let us elaborate on this rule, because it’s fundamental. We choose the clothes and the accessories for an outfit, so that only one piece would stand out. I'll give you an examble: do we  have a fabulous embroidered evening bag in the shape and the colors of a peacock? We wear it with a cypress green velvet gown, black leather shoes without decoration, plus a black maxi cape. We will leave the cape at the entrance of the house or the club, and our face will be the attraction except for the brief moments that we reach for something out of your bag. We do not pair the bag with an embroidered top too. As a matter of fact, we don’t buy the bag at all. With these colors it’s too strong of a focal point, why draw attention to something so far away from our face? The dress is already a discreet focal point and a beautiful frame for our face, so we wear two big earrings peacock-shaped, and we stop there.

The makeup can be taken care of, but without something spectacular. We want people to concentrate on our face, not our makeup. So, no rhinestones glued on our cheeks, neither fake eye-lashes made of feathers. We  are women, not birds. We simply avoid resembling an animal, a bird or an insect. Why? Because animals, birds, insects are pretty but they are a form of life lower than humans, they cannot think. We don’t want to be regarded as something beautiful who cannot think. 

Our nails should be taken care of, but they cannot be spectacular either. No stickers, no dots/hearts/ stripes on them, no holographic nail polish. All this flashy details belong to the show girls. Is there aynyone who thinks that the sentence “an elegant show girl" is valid? Well,  I‘ve never heard it, anywhere, I just made it up.
Bottom line: we allow the viewer to concentrate on us.

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