Δευτέρα 24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2018

Elegance 101 (black, white, jeans as colors)

Are you considering doing a monochromatic outfit but using only black, or white, or denim? Then you should know that black, white and denim have shades too like all colors and you must treat them with extra caution.
Rule n.3: in the case of black, white, jeans, we do not mix diferrent shades in one outfit. 
The reason is that if we put shades in one outift, then,

On white costumes, one of the pieces will look dirty.


On black, one of the pieces will look faded

On jeans, one of the pieces will look οlder or cleaner than the others. 


I am sure this is not what we want, since we are elegant women. We buy our top and bottom at once and we don't forget to give the whole suit to the cleaners , so that all of it will have the same amount of wear. 
If we want to create a total black or an all white outfit, it's easier to use garments in different textures like the exambles on the photos above who have fur, gabardine and knit. This way a small difference in shades will be un-noticable.

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