Πέμπτη 27 Σεπτεμβρίου 2018

1940s Tiny blossoms of amazing ingenuity

There was a time when costume jewelry manufactureurs didn't have expensive materials to create ornaments for women. Secod World War was this time. What did the do? Did they stay still and wait for things to get better? No, they rolled up their sleeves and used their ingenuity to give us costume jewelry of great beauty, using the most commonplace materials:textiles, cork, glass, wood, paper

Unfortunately, few of these items survived but those who did, give us a chance to look and admire the efforts of the universally unknown woman, who at all times did her best to beautify the World with her presence.
Small earrings made entirely of dyed see-shells.

(the first photo is taken under the sunlight, the secong in the shadow)

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