Παρασκευή 30 Νοεμβρίου 2018

Winter-time aurora borealis

Usually during Winter-time,  we adopt darker colors for our outfits. Nevertheless, there are some women that do like  dark shades and keep wearing pale grey, ivory, orange, light pink- I am one of them. One way to balance our outfits and match the colors of our clothes with the natural coloring of the environment is to wear dark accessories, which can be found rarely on the market, but we can create them with our own hands. The jewelry from glass stones, especially in forest green and burgundy are suitable for the case and adaptable to most outfits, mainly because they are dark but at the same time very bright. 
So, here it is a hand-made jewelry set with pendant necklace and earrings, made from aurora borealis glass stones. The pendant is designed on Y-line. It is  basically a simple chain  from which the pendant is swinging freely with its three indipendant big stones, connected with various metal elements in between. The new line of "jacket" is chosen for the earrings, so that the main decorative element is placed on the back side of the earlobe, just before the ear nut.

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